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Obsah degustačního boxu Craftiry Chilli

Obsah degustačního boxu Craftiry Chilli

Chili Tasting Kit includes:!

Vezena Piperika
Volume: 165 ml
SHU: 500 - 5,000
Product composition: Chilli Vezena Piperika, marinade (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves, allspice) + oil
Allergen: The infusion contains mustard seed
Warning: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Shelf life: 10 months from delivery

Thunder Mountain Longhorn
Volume: 60 ml
SHU: 10,000 - 30,000
Product composition: Chilli T.M. Longhorn, marinade (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves, allspice)
Allergen: The infusion contains mustard seed
Warning: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Shelf life: 10 months from delivery

Brazilian Starfish
Volume: 165 ml
SHU: 10,000 - 30,000
Product composition: Chilli Brazilian Starfish, marinade (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves, allspice)
Allergen: The infusion contains mustard seed
Warning: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Shelf life: 10 months from delivery

Habanero Orange
Volume: 165 ml
SHU: 100,000 - 250,000
Product composition: Chilli Habanero Orange, marinade (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves, allspice)
Allergen: The infusion contains mustard seed
Warning: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Shelf life: 10 months from delivery

Habanero Tasmanian
Volume: 116 ml
SHU: 250,000 - 700,000
Product composition: Chilli Habanero Tasmanian, marinade (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves, allspice)
Allergen: The infusion contains mustard seed
Warning: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Shelf life: 10 months from delivery

Carolina Reaper
Volume: 165 ml
SHU: 1,500,000 - 2,000,000
Product composition: Chilli Carolina Reaper, marinade (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, cloves, allspice)
Allergen: The infusion contains mustard seed
Warning: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Shelf life: 10 months from delivery

Co dárek, to unikát

Radost z dobře odvedené práce

Nebylo to ono? Na vrácení máte 30 dní

Dárky vám děláme radost už 17 let

Sleva ke každému nákupu

Dárky co jsou out side the box

<tc>Proč je Craftiry super dárek?</tc>

<tc>Originální dárek</tc>

90% našich zákazníků hlásí, že obdarovaný byl nadšený dárkem

<tc>Podporující creativitu a zručnost</tc>

S Craftiry se obdarovaný naučí novým věcem a bude ho to bavit

<tc>Všechno v jednom boxu</tc>

Všechny potřebné věci nachystáme do jednoho boxu

<tc>30 dní na vrácení</tc>

Netrefíte se? Nevadí. Box nám můžete do 30 dní vrátit
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